Testimonials 2017-04-27T16:50:59+08:00



Kris Lim 出世几天后就开始服用理肠灵,也在成长过程中常服用理肠灵,健力通和魄力得,目前国民服役体能和成绩都很好。




Fong Yuet Hong



在电疗和化疗时,我已经服用了28天的花粉精使到我体内的免疫力大大的增加,因为在化疗期间,病人都会感觉疲倦,整个人很累,没有胃口,想吐,但是我完全没有这种反应,反而胃口增加,精神很好,同时也慢慢强壮。体重也恢复正常(因为体重曾经突然减少了14 kg)。感谢新乐敏!


Lee Loke Huay

Lee Loke Huay

I would like to give my personal testimony of taking the health supplements.


I have been diligently consuming the health supplements for the past 10 over years.  The reason why I persisted till today despite the costs is because of the health and wellness benefits the products bring to me.

I am less vulnerable to the common sickness such as fever, flu, cough or sore throat, unlike those days before I know this product through my best friend and Ms Yee Siew Guat from Sanomin and continued to reap the benefits throughout my pregnancy.  My son’s health has not been givine me much problem since young.  So all the savings in medical costs outweighs the investment I put in for Sanomin products.

As for maintaining youth, though it cannot slow down the biological clock, the products have nevertheless retarded the ageing symptoms on my face and make me look younger than my real age.  Of course that also includes my disciplined regime in diet and exercise.

So I hope my testimony will encourage more people to believe the benefits of Sanomin products and reap the same long term benefits as me!

So I hope my testimony will encourage more people to believe the benefits of Sanomin products and reap the same long term benefits as me!


Yours sincerely,

Neo Siew Kin, Nelly (Ms)

Loyal supporter of Sanomin Health Supplements

Neo Siew Kin, Nelly (Ms)

在 2015 年的常年健康报告显示我的血红素8.2,不符合标准(正常参考值是11.5 – 16.5),





后来,碰到我的朋友,刚好谈起这件事,她就介绍施美乐给我,我就每天服用2 粒,没有要呕吐的感觉,吃了也很舒服。

又过了三个月,这回我跟医生说有按时吃药。报告结果,血红素达到 4.1 我崔跃万分,在这么短的时间里,我的贫血问题就解决了。




Joanne Peh Geok Khee

Peh Geok Khee

My father and I have been taking Sanomin products for the past two over years, my father started earlier due to his medical needs.  At the age of 82 years old, he has to undergo a ten hours neck dissection operation to remove two tumours and he recovered very well for his old age.  Two weeks before operations, I started giving him Pollenaid, Cerminal,  Pollital and continue with additional Ventrux Acido and Ginseng PE Concentrate for another 3 months, after his operation to strengthen his immunity and energy level as well as promote healthy digestion.  Even he was on tube feeding for 6 weeks immediately after his operation, I am glad that the nurses in the hospital were willing to grind the Sanomin tablets into powder and add it to the fluid through the tube feeding with the consent of the doctor.

I add Ventrux Acido powder into the veggie and fruits juice for my father every day since he do not like to take capsules, this helps to maintain his overall condition by having good digestion and appetite.

As for myself, I have taking Collagen daily to maintain good skin and strong joints, I also try out PolliQueen recently to boost healthy skin, it has given me good result and I think I look younger than my age : 🙂

Susan Koh

名字:TEE TIN CHIN   年龄:35       症状:妇科/不孕的问题


我结婚三年,一直不能受孕,常常尿道发炎,这期间寻医调治,徒劳无功。我的妹妹TEE YIN SHAN,获知我俩心意,便将新乐敏花粉精和纳米能量波保健和调理知识传达我们。





日期                     程序

27/5/12      开始服食花粉精



25/6/12      增加服食施美乐和春维达




30/7/12      增加施美乐2粒。


22/9/12      开始纳米波专用形S08治疗。


5/10/12      纳米波专用形S08治疗后就怀孕。


Tee Tin Chin一直都有阴道和尿道发炎的问题。经过饮食和生活的习惯改变,照了纳米波后,反应是排出一层如白带的膜之后就怀孕了。



Tee Tin Chin

名字:Tee Tin Chin            年龄 :35                       症状:妇科/不孕的问题


日期                      程序

7/5/2012              开始服食花粉精(理肠灵 2粒,魄力得 2 粒, 健力通 2 粒)

5/6/2012              增加服食施美乐和春维达 (理肠灵 8 粒,健力痛  8 粒,施美乐 4 粒,

魄力得 2 粒)

30/7/2012            增加施美乐 2 粒

22/9/2012            开始纳米波专用型 S08 治疗

5/10/2012            纳米波专用型 S08 治疗后就怀孕



Tee Tin Chin  一直都有阴道发炎,尿道发炎问题。经过饮食和生活的习惯改变,照了纳米波后,反应是排出一层如白带的膜之后就怀孕了。




经过基础理论研究和临床治疗观察,实践证明纳米波治疗仪有效作用机理是根椐生命体在生存过程中不间断地进行物质代谢转化为能量代谢所释放的生物能量,来维持机体各部生理功能正常运转。一旦受体内,外及自然环境各种不良因素的影响,其生物能量就要失去平衡,导致各种疾病发生,按这一机理研制成符合机体能量代谢总调整作用的纳米波治疗仪,它所发出的强生命能量波,作用到人体后极易被皮肤神经感受器或穴位吸收,通过神经传导束枝和经络灵敏传递给中抠精神所指令的各系统组织器官和脏腑,使组织细胞生物分子活化,保持基因健康运行及DNA 正常代谢,进而产生各种生物效应,来防治各种疾病,达到疑难病综合治疗,多种病同步治疗的目的与效果。

Tee Tin Chin

I was introduced to Sanomin’s products on 5th April 2016, I started consuming Cerminal, PollenAid, PolliQueen and Ventrux Acido following my adviser’s instruction 2 times a day.  To my surprise, within a short period of time, I feel more energetic and especially Ventrux Acido improves my Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).  I suffered from IBS for almost eight years and now after consuming Ventrux Acido, my bowels are firm and not loose in diarrhea form.  I am very thankful for these products which are quick to absorb into my body system.  Now, I longer fear to go out early in the morning because I don’t have sudden loose bowels as it is now under control.

I have regained my confidence.  I am very greateful to be introduced to Sanomin’s products.


Ting Ngan Meng (Joy)

9th May 2016

Ting Ngan Meng (Joy)

In October 2015, my husband felt very weak.  He looked very pale, nausea with no appetite, unable to eat cooked rice so I had to cook porridge for him.  He also lost a lot of weight and his walking was very unsteady.

I brought him to a nearby Polyclinic.  From the doctor’s investigation, he had lost 9kg and his Haemoglobin reading was only 7.6.  A normal reading should be 14.  He often complained of chest pain and irregular opening of bowel.  The doctor referred him to SGH’s A&E for blood transfusion.  In A&E, he was given 1 pint of blood and to see the specialist in 3 months’ time.

I asked Siew Guat for advice and was told to start him on Cerminal, Pollitromb, PollenAid, Ventrux Acido and Pollitabs Sport, 4 times daily.  After 1 month, his condition improved.  His chest pain slowly becoming lesser and lesser.  His appetite improved and he can eat cooked rice.  After 3 months, his weight gained by 4kg, haemoglobin goes up to 9.6.  Now he is much stronger and in better health.

After 4 months through many investigations such Colonscopy and Endoscopy, Biospy and CT Scan, he was diagnosed as stomach inflammation with Helicobacter pylori bacteria infestation.

We sincerely thank Sanomin for bringing good health to me and my family.


Veronica Sim

Veronica Sim