• WELLNESS AND BEAUTY INSIDE AND OUT Formulated using Graminex® proprietary formula of NAX™ Flower Pollen Extract, Previa™ offers the unique benefits of lipid soluble nutrients found in flower pollen extract including, phytosterols, enzymes and antioxidants in combination with flaxseed oil. The phytosterols found in Previa™ are both naturally occurring and naturally concentrated. These nutrients have been show to have benefits for heart health and supporting women’s specific health needs. Flaxseed - it may be tiny, but it’s mighty. The flaxseed carries one of the biggest nutrients payloads on the planet. It is high in most of the B vitamin, fiber, antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Contains Exclusive Graminex® proprietary blend SP63®, containing G63® Flower Pollen Extract™ and Saw Palmetto Extract for Prostate Health in men.
  • Come with 30 sticks in 1 Pack. Mix 500ml of water with each stick (according to individual taste), simply shake it well before drinking and enjoy a refreshing boost to your daily energy.
  • Contains high levels of amino acids and antioxidants and is ideal for women's menopause health and supports the absorption of calcium for the teeth and bones.
  • Containing Graminex Flower Pollen Extract™ and Cranberry Powder. PollenBerry™ is an ideal health supplement for those looking for overall urinary tract support. The combination of these two ingredients allows a synergistic effect on the urinary tract for men and women who are especially prone to recurring UTIs. Both ingredients are backed by clinical studies for urinary support. Clinical studies have shown that cranberry powder has been able to significantly reduce the occurrence of E.coli in the urinary tract. It basically stops the E. coli or other UTI causing bacteria from adhering to the walls and lining of the urinary tract. In one study, the anti-adhesion shown to have a more prolonged effect compared to drinking cranberry juice cocktail, with an increase in activity at 6 hours and again at 24 hours. Cranberry powder is more beneficial than just drinking cranberry juice cocktail, which loses its effect after 9 hours and is completely gone at 24 hours.
  • Collagen PE™ is a highly concentrated formula containing Graminex NAX 7% Paste Flower Pollen Extract together with Collagen. Graminex NAX 7% Paste is a full spectrum, lipid soluble extrct offering concentrated phytosterols and antioxidants. This concentrate contains 85 times more compared to soybean oil. These plant phytosterols support overall health and wellness. Studies also show improvement in arthritic symptoms in regards to pain and inflammation in the joints. The rich phytosterol concentration, combined with the antioxidant rich collagen creates unique formula for men and women as they age. Collagen is the substance found in the skin cell matrix that keeps the skin firm and youthful therefore help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that appear with age. It is also a key component to nail and hair structures.
  • Formulated for a woman’s specific nutritional needs, PolliQueen™ creates the perfect tie of two powerful compounds : Graminex®’s flower Pollen Extract and Royal Jelly. Flower Pollen Extract is a full spectrum extract offering concentrated vitamins, minerals, amino-acids, phytosterols (including plant hormones and isoflavones), antioxidants and fatty acids. During the 1990’s and 2000’s flower pollen extract was scientifically substantiated to reduce hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. Graminex® Flower Pollen Extract in combination with the nutrients available in Royal Jelly help to strengthen the immune system, offer anti-inflammatory effects and improve metabolism and weight stabilization, providing a superior woman’s nutritional supplement.
  • The nutrients provided by POLLITROMB greatly aid in the processing and elimination of blood lipids resulting in a decrease of platelet aggregation in the arteries and veins. Helps ensure smooth circulation thus enhance sleep.

    DID YOU KNOW? You start to become old already after age 20. But, new discovery in scientific research shows some evidence that there is a way to keep the brain and body vibrant and lessen the visible signs of aging, fewer wrinkles and facial lines! Discoveries done by scientists from America and Europe have shown without a doubt that some essential elements and micronutrients principally selenium, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), beta-carotene and retinol (vitamin A), can neutralize the actions of free radicals. POLLITAL is a powerful combination of antioxidants and a unique pollen extract ingredient work in a synergistic fashion to improve the uptake and absorption of vital nutrients.
  • POLLENAID contains a concentrated clinical standardized formulation of superior Graminex™ Flower Pollen Extract, providing the body with full spectrum of available essential nutrients to promote healthy functions. It is backed by over 40 years of clinical research.